10 Scariest Technology Horror Movies

6. Ghost In The Machine

VIdeodrome Movie
20th Century Fox

While the concept for this flick is somewhat goofy by today's standards, it presented a provocative image for the early 90s and still holds up as a fun and frightening film with a great killer villain and a tonne of imaginative murders.

Ghost in the Machine sticks true to its title, as the movie centres on a serial killer named Karl Hochman, who ends up as one with technology. After being part of a fatal car-accident, Hochman is placed into an MRI machine when an electrical surge ends up transferring his soul into a computer. From there, he uses his newfound plane of existence to continue his murderous spree.

Of course, some of the computer-generated visual effects are poor by today's standards, but you can hardly blame the title for that, seeing as it released in 1993. It deserves a lot of commendation for trying to utilise digital effects at a time when they weren't so widespread.

Additionally, the villains position inside a computer programme means that he can carry out some wicked kills, which certainly comes to fruition. There is a flamethrower hand dryer, exposed electrical cord, a radiated microwave and more.


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