10 Scenes In The Dark Knight Trilogy That Should Have Been Cut

4. The Scarecrow's Final Scene - Batman Begins

scarecrow1 Cillian Murphy is a fantastic actor and he gives a brilliant performance in all three of these films. I love how he has a small role in the last two. His central performance is in Batman Begins which is his most important because he is the main villain for half of it's duration. He plays the creepy Dr Crane aka Scarecrow. His creepy performance becomes somewhat undermined when Ra's Al Ghul steps in but his final scene really undermines him. Rachel Dawes is running through the Narrows when the hallucinogen is released, making everyone freak out. Because she has already had the antidote she is immune. She finds a little boy by himself, who we see earlier in the film, and tries to help him calm down. Suddenly, Scarecrow appears, randomly on horseback. The boy hallucinates the horse breathing fire and a scary demon voice so he is naturally terrified. Rachel instantly tasers Scarecrow, causing him to fall off his horse and get his foot attached to the saddle. The horse gets spooked and drags him off so the last we hear of him is 'whoaaaa!' It's a bit too comedic... if they just cut that scene and left it being Jim Gordon at the end explaining to Batman that Dr Crane was nowhere to be found.

19 year old studying journalism. Huge fan of film and writer of film reviews.