10 Sci-Fi Horror Movie Aliens That Make Space TERRIFYING

6. Color

Scarlett Johansson Under The Skin
RLJE Films

Is is purple? Is it pink? Does it matter? No, because it’s going to infest everything around you, merge your brother with your mother and flay your alpacas.

Finding its roots in an HP Lovecraft short, the color from 2019's Nicolas Cage-driven Color out of Space is about as terrifying as they come, because it is the definition of intangible - not a flesh and blood creature so much as an indescribable neon shade that exists somewhere on the ultraviolet spectrum.

With the ability to warp time and matter around it, infecting outwards from its ground zero point on its temporary host planet, the color transforms everything it touches into something more closely resembling its substance and reality. This means carnivorous trees, alien lightning and an infected, Trump-channelling Nicolas Cage.

At the conclusion of the film, having warped and drained the Gardner family's entire farm, house, grounds and animals, as well as driving the family insane, the color blasts off back into space, annihilating everything in a baseball field's radius and leaving only white ash in its wake. Wherever its next interplanetary destination may be, it is not somewhere you want to go.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.