10 Sci-Fi Movie Crossovers We'd Love To See

6. Alien/Edge Of Tomorrow

The Terminator/Robocop
20th Century Fox/Warner Bros

The Xenomorph has certainly gone through a selection of identities in its lifetime. It began as a solo beast that acted as the ultimate killer and then became a horrifying insectoid-like presence that could amass to unbelievable numbers, and from then on it flickered between the two to varying success. Either approach to this creature could work well in the finely crafted and utterly unique science fiction world of Edge of Tomorrow.

The idea of a time loop story is a unique concept that seems to find itself appearing surprisingly often. Titles like Groundhog Day and Russian Doll have proved the success such an idea can bring, and even video games like Deathloop thrive off of the concept.

But Edge of Tomorrow has a strong presence in this set because of the brilliantly realised world that it presents. The aesthetic and functions of this films setting are great fun to look at, and a crossover with the H.R Geiger infused designs of the Alien series would produce a beautiful film.

Watching Cruise and Blunt's characters enter into a new extraterrestrial threat is something that fans everywhere would love to see.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!