10 Sci-Fi Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

5. Blade Runner - Hard Copy Is Wrong

no headphones inception
Warner Bros.

Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi benchmark Blade Runner was ahead of its time when it came to so much of the film's futuristic world building.

One particularly brilliant high-tech piece of kit was used during a scene where Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard decided to analyse a photograph using his ESPER machine.

However, despite remarkably being able to move around a two dimensional photograph as if it were a three dimensional space, the machine seems to falter when Deckard decides to print off an image of Zhora's face he finds in the photo.

The hard copy the character holds in his hand shows off a different angle to the image we've just seen on the screen. Which means the machine either just randomly decided to shift its point of view or someone on set captured a different image of Zhora and passed it onto Ford to use in the scene.

It's definitely easy to miss during a first watch, due to being engrossed in this brilliant piece of 21st century kit. Yet, once you take a step back and spot this printed mistake it's hard to unsee it in future viewings.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...