10 Sci-Fi Movie Villains That Had Totally Lame Deaths

9. The Aliens - Signs

boba fett death
Touchstone Pictures

M. Night Shyamalan's Signs is often looked back on with a puzzled look by many film fans.

The fact that the movie ended up featuring aliens was a little hard to swallow for some. Added to that, Shyamalan's previous two movies were the instant classic of The Sixth Sense and the impressive Unbreakable - which meant that anticipation was ludicrously high for Signs to be something truly special.

What really soured so many viewers on this 2002 effort, though, was just how the gnarly aliens of the picture were killed off. That method, of course, was water.

Yep, good ol' H2O was enough to weaken this alien menace enough for Joaquin Phoenix to bash one of these extraterrestrials to death with his trusty baseball bat.

As a movie, period, Signs is a disappointment to the majority of those who've watched it - particularly those of us who watched it off the back of The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable during its initial release in '02 - but nothing about the picture ever got even close to feeling as lame as aliens being vulnerable to water.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.