10 Sci-Fi Movies Critics Were Way Too Harsh On

7. The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Pandorum Movie
Universal Pictures

The level of success that Jurassic Park achieved back in 1993 made it virtually impossible for any potential sequel to ever live up to it and that was one of the many reasons why The Lost World: Jurassic Park failed to make the same kind of impact.

Released in 1997, the film received something of a middling reception from critics and fans - still evident today from the 52% rating it currently holds on Rotten Tomatoes - praised for the same visual reasons that its predecessor was but criticised for failing to offer a story anywhere near as engaging.

It is true that the dinosaurs in The Lost World appear to develop better than most of the human characters, but that doesn't mean character development is nonexistent. For a start, Jeff Goldblum's Ian Malcolm is much more layered than he was in Jurassic Park, with his relationships with both Sarah and his daughter turning him into a protagonist (instead of a clever quirky supporting character).

Sure, the T-Rex rampaging through San Diego was a little far removed from how the film series began, but hey it was an experiment that, at the very least, made for a fun watch.

It's not the original, but it's not bad either... and sometimes, that's enough.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.