10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

8. Independence Day - The White House

Christian Bale Equilbrium

Back in 1996, director Roland Emmerich brought us an impressive sci-fi disaster spectacle in the form of Independence Day, the heartwarming tale of strangers coming together in order to fight back against an immensely powerful alien threat.

After deciding that alien life travelling across the cosmos just to hide in our back gardens was a little far fetched, the extra-terrestrials in Independence Day were given a much grander entrance.

Heavily featured in all of the movie's promotional materials was the aliens' complete obliteration of The White House.

The shot was done by creating a 10-feet scale model of the Presidential estate, then using 40 explosive charges to absolutely annihilate it for the movie.

It's certainly an impressive shot, and it's without a doubt one of the movie's high points.

While Independence Day has also become known for its (sort-of) plot holes and Will Smith's questionable delivering of his "Welcome to Earth" line (or is that "Erf"?), the shot of the exploding White House is by far the easiest way to explain the movie without using its name.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.