10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

9. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Deactivation

Christian Bale Equilbrium

2001: A Space Odyssey is widely recognised as one of the most influential movies ever made.

Despite its critical acclaim, the movie seems to polarise much of its audience, but no one on either side of the debate has ever doubted the movie's cultural significance.

There are a number of memorable moments in Kubrick's sci-fi epic that stand out; its opening scene - in which apes begin to worship an alien monolith - has certainly seen its share of parodies, and the movie's strange space-foetus ending has also served as fuel for more than a little light ridicule, but there is no scene that is better remembered than the scene in which Dr. Dave Bowman attempts to shut down the ship's murderous computer, HAL.

HAL's calm, quiet pleas for Dave to stop as he disconnects the computer's circuits are both haunting and inadvertently hilarious, ending with HAL's deteriorating systems singing "Daisy Bell" as they die.

The scene has been spoofed in countless other movies and TV shows, meaning that even those who have never seen A Space Odyssey know it as "the movie with that evil spaceship".


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.