10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

6. The Matrix - Bullet Time

Christian Bale Equilbrium
Warner Bros.

The Matrix might be a successful franchise with a singularly intriguing concept, but that doesn't render it immune to "that's- the-movie-where..." syndrome.

Upon discovering that life as he knows it is all a complicated computer simulation, Thomas Anderson wakes up in the "real world", a bleak future in which man and machine are locked in a bitter, neverending war.

Reborn as Neo, he learns that he is the chosen one, a man with the power to control the Matrix and stop the machines before they erase the last remnants of humanity.

Neo's ability to manipulate the Matrix makes for a handful of over-the-top set pieces, but none are more iconic than his first true engagement with the machines' Agents, parts of a program intended to rid the Matrix of any threats. When the Agent's unload their weapons in Neo's direction, he manages to slow time enough to dodge almost all of them in an acrobatic, limbo-esque manner.

Naturally, the iconic moment has been spoofed and parodied ever since, but no one will ever remember where it originated.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.