10 Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Remembers For One Scene

4. Equilibrium - Lights Out

Christian Bale Equilbrium

Equilibrium isn't a movie that's as fondly remembered as many of its contemporaries.

Starring Christian Bale as John Preston, an enforcement officer for the emotion police, Equilibrium shows us exactly what a world where emotional or creative expressions are illegal might look like. Which is funny, considering that very little creativity went into writing the movie's plot, which borrows heavily from a number of other, more successful sci-fi stories.

Despite that, Equilibrium has something of a cult following, mostly due to its interesting approach to action. While there are some truly fascinating displays of martial arts, by far the most intriguing is the movie's fictional gun kata, a fighting style that focuses on the statistically-defined destinations of bullet trajectories.

It might sound absolutely mental, and it really is.

But the earliest we see it employed is early on in the movie, during a raid on a group of sense offenders. Attacking in the dark, the scene is lit only by gunfire as the officers execute what appears to be a staggering number of criminals without the help of a single lightbulb.

It's beautifully presented, slightly disturbing in nature and every bit as insane as the rest of the movie, so naturally, it's come to define the entire surreal experience that is Equilibrium.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.