10 Sci-Fi Movies That Almost Had Way Better Endings

8. Evan Strangles Himself In The Womb With His Own Umbilical Cord - The Butterfly Effect

With a movie like The Butterfly Effect, the sort of film that grosses tons of money through a combination of its wacky premise and word of mouth, you'd have expected the studio to have opted for the most badsh*t crazy ending imaginable. You know, something that got people leaving the theatre in a state of shock, eager to tell other people to check out The Butterfly Effect immediately, because, hey, it has one of the most mental endings ever! The original ending of the movie is pretty standard fare, though: protagonist Evan alters the timeline in order to protect his friend Kayleigh from himself, ensuring she goes on to have a happy life. Not a terrible ending, but not a particularly memorable one, either. The original ending, however, was a doozy: realising that his very existence is far too dangerous a thing, Evan goes back in time and strangles himself why he's still in the womb in order to prevent his own birth. Yes. For real. Why the studio didn't decide to use this ending is anybody's guess; it pretty much takes The Butterfly Effect from "average" to "awesome" in the space of a single scene.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.