10 Scrapped Movie Sequels That Would Have Been Amazing

6. Inside Man 2

The first Inside Man was about as close to the mainstream as Spike Lee is likely to aim for, and the critics ate it up. Lee turned the heist movie on its head, using a brilliant combination of incisive wit and peppy pacing to create one of the best thrillers of the decade. But more surprising than how well Lee adjusted to "playing it straight," was his willingness to dip back into the well for a sequel. And according to the director, he tried multiple times to get the follow-up bankrolled, but repeatedly came up short. He voiced his frustrations with the studios' lack of motivation (and funds), despite the core cast's readiness to come back for a second instalment. Clive Owen, Denzel Washington, and Jodie Foster are never going to make a bad movie together (especially with Spike at the helm), so it's odd that no one wants to touch the project. Still, there have been glimmers of hope that the movie might get made someday, with Universal Studios apparently getting on board as recently as 2014. It's unlikely to come to fruition any time soon, but the world could use some more Foster-Washington thrills.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.