10 Sequel Villains Who Were Weaker Than The First Baddie

3. Tommy "The Machine" Gunn (Rocky V)

tommy-gunn-rockyVillain from the previous movie: Ivan Drago (Rocky IV). It can be argued that Rocky had been forced to retire by the time this fight came round, so to put him against a guy like Ivan Drago again would have been silly. I actually agree with that. However, Tommy "The Machine" Gunn was such a huge step down from the monster from the former Soviet Union that he just never seemed like any kind of threat, even to the retired, supposedly brain-damaged Italian Stallion. Tommy was a young fighter from Oklahoma who came from a severely dysfunctional family. His alcoholic father frequently abused both Tommy and his Mother. For instance, one day, after finding out that Tommy got in to trouble at school, his father beat him so badly that he couldn't walk for a week. When Tommy got older, he was able to stand up to his Father; he claimed that his father was the first person he ever knocked out, possibly starting his interest in boxing. Tommy Gunn traveled to Philadelphia to seek out a down-and-out Rocky Balboa to ask him to train him. Rocky became Tommy's coach and coached him to an impressive undefeated streak, but Tommy always felt like he was in Rocky's shadow. Duke, a devious boxing coach, persuades Tommy to fight for him, wrongly convincing him that Rocky doesn't have his best interests at heart. Tommy wins the title against Union Cane, but the press say that he didn't beat a true champion, since Cane only had the championship because it was left vacant after Rocky's retirement. Ultimately, Tommy goads Rocky in to a street fight, which Rocky wins, proving that Gunn wasn't fit to lace Drago's boots.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.