10 Sequels To Popular Movies That Nobody Watched

6. The Scorpion King: Book Of Souls

American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules
Universal Pictures

Nobody is going to accuse 2002's The Scorpion King of being a great movie. Acting as a prequel to the Mummy series, the very best that could be said about it is that it's completely inoffensive and might just provide 92 minutes of mindless fun. Despite the unspectacular nature of it, that didn't stop audiences flocking to fill theatre seats, earning it an impressive $180.6 million at the box office.

Unsurprisingly, a sequel followed six years later. And then another one. And another one. And finally, in 2018, audiences were 'treated' to the fifth installment in a series that probably should have stopped after its debut outing.

Gone are all of the original cast (and the theatrical release), with Zach McGowan now taking on the titular role. Critic impressions are hard to come by but the general consensus seems to be that, again, this movie provides some dumb quasi-entertainment to while away 102 minutes. At the very least, the series is consistent.


The fourth best writer living in Bristol named Alexander Erting-Haynes. When not writing, found shamelessly gushing about Majora's Mask, The Office (UK) and Shaun of the Dead.