10 Sequels To Popular Movies That Nobody Watched

5. Grease 2

American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules

While not necessarily unknown, the popularity of this sequel paled in comparison to the smash-hit success of 1978's Grease. Taking place two years after the original, Grease 2 did the honourable thing and introduced the audience to a new cast of characters, as opposed to facsimiled roles being taken by lesser-known performers.

Lesser-known performers abound, however, with the two leads now played by Maxwell Caulfield and Michelle Pfeiffer (serving as something of a break out role for the latter). The plot followed a Shakespearean trajectory, having Pfeiffer's Stephanie part of a gang who can only date members of the T-Birds, a greaser gang. With Caulfield's Michael not quite fitting that description, he had only one choice: he'd better shape up.

Opinion was divided on this oft-forgotten sequel, with some critics praising its improved choreography and more catchy musical numbers. Others, however, derided the movie for being too similar to its predecessor and having a paper-thin plot. Whatever the consensus, audiences spoke with their wallets, with the box office figure of $15.2 million looking rather measly next to the original's electrifying $395 million.


The fourth best writer living in Bristol named Alexander Erting-Haynes. When not writing, found shamelessly gushing about Majora's Mask, The Office (UK) and Shaun of the Dead.