10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

1. Commodus Weakens Maximus (Gladiator)

commodus-maximus Commodus doesn€™t make the best of impressions from the start of this film, as he kills his own Father €“ the Emperor Marcus Aurelius €“ in a fit of rage after finding out that he was not to be handed Daddy€™s position of power upon his death and that it was to be Maximus Decimus Meridius who would take his place. Commodus would then order Maximus€™ wife to be gang-raped and then killed along with his young son. Commodus is a truly vile individual whose other notable traits include bringing ruthless gladiatorial combat back to the Coliseum and being sexually attracted to his own sister. He was smarmy, incredibly naive as a leader and (comparatively, when you draw comparisons with the likes of Maximum) a very average athlete and combatant. His final move, in order to encourage the masses to love him (which he craved), was to fight Maximus in the arena himself €“ but not before mortally injuring him and concealing the wound in an utterly despicable and cowardly act. Ultimately, however, Maximus would still prevail in his weakened state, killing Commodus in front of thousands of fight-fans, before passing away himself. So there you have it - 10 shameful moments of extreme cowardice. Can you think of any more? Let us know in the comments box below! And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.