10 Shameful Movie Moments Of Extreme Cowardice

7. Beni Helps Imhotep (The Mummy)

beni-mummyEvelyn: "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance. Beni: "They do?" Evelyn: "Yes, always." And he did! Beni was a snivelling, horrible little man and a thief motivated by greed and avarice. When the titular mummy - Imhotep - awakened in Hamunaptra, everyone present fled. An American man named Burns tripped and lost his glasses, which Beni stood on and crushed, making no attempt to help the man whatsoever. Beni was then separated from the rest of the group and ran off trying to find his way out of the ruins. However, he ran straight into the re-animated mummy himself, now with a set of recently plucked eyes and tongue (torn from the helpless Burns who Beni had just left behind). Beni stood in fear and began brandishing several icons of different religions, chanting prayers in various languages. The last language - Hebrew - was recognised by Imhotep as 'the language of the slaves', prompting Imhotep to think Beni could be useful to him. Beni then betrays every member of the cast and joins with the villain, helping him in order to save his own skin. Of course, Beni's comeuppance is suitably horrible. Despite Rick O'Connell's best attempts to save him, Beni's greed had led him to a treasure chamber which sealed itself shut. He is then devoured alive in the pitch black by millions of scarabs.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.