10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Star Wars 7

7. Mandalorians And The Witches of Dathomir

Sure, they look like nonsense words but okay yes, they are. One of the things the rebooted Star Wars mythos, with the Expanded Universe cut adrift and the Prequel Trilogy being kept quiet as much as possible, has sadly retained from the George Lucas Brain Trust is giving thing ridiculous names, like this is some entry-level Dungeons & Dragons game being run by somebody whose idea of fictional names is picking random letters out of a bowl of alphabeti spaghetti. Anyway, ridiculous names, but they could hide the main antagonists of The Force Awakens... Both have already been introduced in The Clone Wars animated series, which is still canonical, although it's unknown how much of a bearing it'll have on a movie set decades later. The Mandalorians are a nomadic group made of a bunch of different alien races, all bound by a common goal. Which is fighting, mainly - Boba Fett is one! - and apparently they're destined to return to their position of primo warriors. Possibly in opposition to Luke Skywalker, or a new Jedi character, or something? As for the Witches of Dathomir, they're another group originating in The Clone Wars €“ which was a big hit when resurrected on Netflix €“ whose story seems unfinished. Oh and both are connected to Darth Maul, so that's fun. Imagine if he got stitched back together and was the villain!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/