10 Shocking Comic Book Movie Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere

5. J. Jonah Jameson's Return

Spider-Man Far From Home Jonah Jameson JK Simmons
Marvel Studios

After the Sam Raimi Spider-Man saga concluded, there were likely many characters that fans believed could not ever be played better by another actor. However, only one performance that objectively could not be topped was J. K. Simmons' J. Jonah Jameson.

Simmons had everything down, the look, the voice, the mannerisms - he was, and still is, irreplaceable.

Him showing up at the end of Far From Home to utterly ruin Spidey's day was a massive surprise and a massive delight. It was so wonderful to see the actor treated right in a comic book movie after being completely wasted in Justice League and as a final surprise it was nothing short of spectacular.

Mega props to those involved in making it happen.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!