10 Shocking Movie Scenes Directors Later Regretted

9. Suicide Is The Answer - Lights Out

The Last House On The Left
New Line Cinema

David Sandberg’s horror hit Lights Out was based on his own three-minute short, managing to stretch the creepy idea out to feature length. The story finds a woman named Sophie and her children being haunted by a ghost that can only exist in the dark. They eventually find the spirit is linked to Sophie’s depression, and in the climax, she kills herself to stop the ghost.

Unfortunately for Sandberg – who has suffered from depression himself – audiences interpreted this to mean a depressed person can save their family pain by killing themselves. Obviously not a great message. Sandberg intended the opposite, stating "To me, some people have sort of said, “Oh, it’s a happy ending; she shoots herself and everyone’s happy.” But I think it’s going to ruin them. You see it in Martin’s eyes and Rebecca’s screams. To me, this is something they’re going to have to live with for the rest of their lives.

He claims the sequel will deal with the aftermath of this, and make it clear Sophie's death solved nothing.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.