10 Shocking Movie Scenes Directors Later Regretted

8. Buffalo Bill's Dance - The Silence Of The Lambs

The Last House On The Left

While The Silence Of The Lambs is one of the rare horror films to sweep the Oscars, it wasn’t without controversy. This was mainly focused on villain Buffalo Bill, who is a serial killer who likes to flay women and wear their skin.

Director Jonathan Demme didn’t consider the character gay or transgender during filming; his take on Bill was that he just hated himself so much he wanted to transform into someone completely different, hence his desire to become a beautiful woman. The helmer was later upset to learn gay rights group were appalled by the character, feeling he demonised transgender people.

Amongst Demme’s major regrets is the scene where the character dances in the nude - tucking his modestly away during one shot - because he feels he didn't make the character's motivations for doing what he did completely clear.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.