10 Shocking Movies That Will Scar You For Life

3. A Serbian Film

Martyrs movie
Jinga Films

It takes a lot for a modern movie to get banned, but this 2010 movie did just that, getting banned in many countries. Spain, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia have all either outright banned this movie or temporarily put a halt to its screening.

The movie follows a semi-retired porn actor who takes a gig in an art house film. Sadly for this actor, he's just signed up to a snuff movie that is going to show the utter depravity that the human mind can sink to, and because he's hard up for cash he'll do whatever he's forced to.

Now when tackling a movie where the contents are supposed to be metaphors for something else, in this case the Serbian movie industry, it sometimes pays to be a little more discreet. However, less is more is not a phrase these filmmakers have heard of. The result, an embarrassing exploitation movie masquerading as something more important than it is. And all it is, is a movie that features sex, murder, and baby rape. Yep. You read that correctly.

Do yourself a favour, forget we even talked about this movie.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.