10 Shocking Movies That Will Scar You For Life

2. Nekromantik

Martyrs movie
Leisure Time Features

German cinema is famous for its expressionist silent movies. The Golem, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and Nosferatu, are bastions of a highly important period of cinema. Fast forward a few decades and somehow they went from that to Nekromantik, the least romantic movie ever made. In fact, it's actually pure drivel.

A movie that will likely be at the top of a necrophiliac's best of all time list, Nekromantik is very explicit in its depiction of the living having sex with the dead, again, and again. The main character Rob, has a predilection for dead bodies, and turns out so does his girlfriend Betty. So, after he brings a rotten corpse home, they decide to have one of the most vile threesomes you will ever lay your eyes on. One that involves a steel pipe acting as a phallic substitute for the corpse's appendage.

If that scene alone doesn't leave you wishing you were temporarily blind, the climax involving ejaculation and suicide surely will. Bizarrely, the movie got a sequel, with more of the dreadful grisly same shenanigans.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.