10 Shocking Twists That Would Ruin 2016's Biggest Movies

2. Joker Is Robin - Suicide Squad

Zod as Doomsday is a bit ridiculous, but this other potential DC Extended Universe twist would reduce even the sanest man alive to lunacy; a fan-theory-cum-rumour that's gained traction in the past couple of months based some worryingly strong evidence is that Jared Leto's Joker is actually former Robin Jason Todd, who had one seriously bad day and is now utterly unhinged. There's two schools of thought about how this could work - one is that the original Joker battered Todd a la Death In The Family, leading to an approximation of the Red Hood arc, while the other says Robin is actually real, original Joker, created through some other horrific event. The latter is certainly the worst case, totally reworking Joker's purpose as the opposite of Batman, but both are pretty laughable and would spell doom for Task Force X. You see, although there's a fair bit in Suicide Squad to get excited about, the key mainstream selling point of the supervillain team-up is the presence of Joker. To make him a derivative or some weird experimental take would be a more sadistic twist than what Marvel did with the Mandarin. It's not just Suicide Squad this affects either - if the DC Extended Universe is going to be the definitive movie world of the Distinguished Competition, it needs to deliver definitive takes on the key characters. A Robin Joker certainly ain't that.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.