4. Indiana Jones Is Completely Unnecessary To The Plot - Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
Blame The Big Bang Theory for this one; in the episode The Raiders Minimization, Amy makes a staggeringly valid point to Sheldon regarding Indiana Jones' role in the story of Steven Spielberg's classic adventure, saying 'if he wasn't in the movie the Nazis would have still found the Ark, taken it to the island, opened it up and all died... just like they did'. Based on this point of view, Indy's only real contribution to the story is making sure that the Ark is securely locked away in the warehouse by the time the credits roll. With a story by George Lucas, perhaps it isn't that surprising that such a huge flaw in the narrative exists. However, the Indiana Jones franchise isn't really about whatever MacGuffin the intrepid archeologist is chasing after, its about Harrison Ford's iconic portrayal of the character and the dynamic action sequences more than anything else. However, the notion that the title character is largely irrelevant to the plot still left a lot of people smarting at the revelation, even though it can be argued that Indy leading the Nazis to Marion Ravenwood is the real catalyst in the search for the Ark of the Covenant.
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