10 Signs An Upcoming Film Is Going To Bomb HARD

6. A Troubled Production

The Wicker Man Nicolas Cage
20th Century Studios

The leak-heavy nature of most film sets nowadays means that word will eventually make its way online if a movie project is in trouble, generally long before it's actually been released.

And nothing quite dents audience excitement for a movie like reading deep-dive reports into a film's production on the eve of its release, typically detailing that it was made under enormous turmoil and the studio has effectively been scrambling to rescue it in post-production.

Heaven's Gate, Waterworld, Josh Trank's Fantastic Four, Dark Tower, Justice League, Solo: A Star Wars Story.

All of these films had well-documented production troubles and ended up paying for it at the box office, because after spending months reading reams of negative headlines, potential customers had no faith they would actually be worth stumping up their hard-earned moolah for.

Again, there are exceptions to the rule, such as Suicide Squad becoming a huge box office hit despite director David Ayer battling Warner Bros. every step of the way, and also Rogue One: A Star Wars Story grossing over $1 billion no matter that an estimated 40% of the film was very publicly re-shot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.