10 Signs An Upcoming Film Is Going To Bomb HARD

2. A Blatantly Desperate Marketing Campaign

The Wicker Man Nicolas Cage
Paramount Pictures

Again, how a movie is marketed will say a lot about its commercial prospects, and it's usually pretty easy to sense the abject desperation with which a film is being sold to audiences.

Take the MCU: its trailers confidently hit the broad strokes viewers expect, while generally not giving too much of the plot away, and in some cases even directly misleading audiences about certain aspects of the plot. That's because they know their content and know it's going to be successful.

Compare this to the marketing for the latter half of the Terminator franchise, which has generally been intensely spoiler-heavy to the point that it's genuinely offputting, and in the case of Terminator Genisys they even (somehow) convinced James Cameron to record a featurette shilling for it.

In fairness, Genisys was saved from commercial ruin by its over-performance in China, but it's nevertheless a prime example of a series that knows it's burned bridges with its fans and is grasping at any possible lifeline to retain interest.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.