10 Signs The Batman Could Be A Crushing Disappointment

8. Honestly, The Batsuit Kind Of Sucks

The Batman
Warner Bros.

We've now seen both costume test footage and set photos of The Batman's Batsuit, and that's honestly enough to declare it a disappointment. While there are a number of elements which have been lifted from the comic books that it's easy enough to appreciate, the overall package is one that doesn't really work for the most part.

It's a busy, somewhat cumbersome suit that looks like a "prototype" costume rather than the finished version. Previous reports have claimed that this Batsuit will be created by Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth rather than one expertly made by Lucius Fox and Wayne Enterprises, but there's nothing overly special about it.

An underwhelming costume (which is once again a boring shade of grey) alone isn't going to ruin an entire movie, but it's a massively important part of any adventure starring a character as iconic as Batman. If this is what the Batsuit looks like, it's obviously hard to get excited about the appearance of villains like The Penguin and The Riddler.

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The Batman
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