10 Signs The Batman Could Be A Crushing Disappointment

7. It Won't Tie Into What We've Seen Before

The Batman
Warner Bros.

Initially, it was rumoured that The Batman would be set in the 1990s and serve as a loose prequel - of sorts - to Ben Affleck's time as the iconic DC Comics superhero. That opened the door to us seeing everything from Robin's murder at the hands of The Joker to what led to Batman becoming someone who was willing to kill Superman in Dawn of Justice.

Since then, it's become clear that this is a total reboot with a new Batman set in a world that has little to nothing to do with the one Affleck's version of Bruce Wayne called home.

That's massively disappointing, and yet another sign the DC Extended Universe is becoming more standalone in nature moving forward. While it's understandable that Warner Bros. wishes to take things down that route after their failed attempts to create their own version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is anyone desperate for yet another reboot?

Like it or not, that's what we're getting, but Warner Bros. has missed a trick to further build on the foundations of the DCEU and explore Batman's fall and eventual rise in the present.

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The Batman
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