10 Small Changes That Would Fix Terrible Films

8. Use John Spaihts' Original Script - Prometheus

Prometheus Michael Fassbender David

The Problem: There's little point doubting that Prometheus was, after a fantastic marketing campaign, more than a little disappointing. Though touted as a prequel to Alien prior to release, the final result deliberately distanced itself from committing to this.

In terms of what was delivered, there were numerous peculiar creative decisions that made it difficult to buy into the world, such as having the scientists remove their helmets all too-willingly on an alien planet, not explaining why the Engineer got angry after being woken up, and android David's (Michael Fassbender) motivations being totally up in the air.

Why It Would Fix The Film: The majority of these problems are the fault of Lost writer Damon Lindelof, who re-wrote a script from John Spaihts which was unambiguously an Alien prequel, and cut the character idiocy down considerably, while also actually explaining things.

Spaihts' screenplay can be read online, and it almost certainly would have made for a tighter, less irritating sci-fi flick that definitely would have appealed more to fans of the Alien franchise. Given that using this script would have required zero re-writes nor the cost of hiring someone as important as Lindelof, it's definitely a simple fix.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.