10 Small Details You Missed In Dune

1. The Trees Of Arrakis

Dune Mentat
Warner Bros.

In the Dune universe, terraforming (turning planets in more livable environments) is fairly common. Planets are seeded with plant and animal life from ancient Earth (which is now mostly lost to time) and given satellites which can influence weather.

Dune however, despite being the most valuable planet to own in the universe, has not been terraformed at all and remains a treacherous desert where finding water is a daily struggle. This is because if Dune were to be terraformed (more water and plant life added) the sandworms (who produce the insanely valuable spice melange) would all be killed. They need the dry desert to survive as water in large amounts is poison to them.

However, many Fremen still hold the dream that one day Dune may become a lush, tropical paradise with oceans stretching beyond the horizon. This is why they keep the tree's at the capitol building, despite being a waste of water. It's out of hope that one day Dune could be made into something beautiful.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.