10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

1. Sequel Foreshadowing

Happy Death Day

Wait, so why was Tree reliving the same day over and over again? Did they ever explain that important plot point in the movie?

Shockingly, no. They never come right out and explain what was causing this extraordinary occurrence... in the first movie. In the sequel however, they did answer this pressing question for the audience.

Apparently, Carter's friend and roommate Ryan had been working on an experimental quantum reactor at the university that had been creating the time loop. He and his team were close to perfecting the device before the Dean comes in with security to shut the project down due to constant rolling blackouts across campus.

While you may not have given them much notice in your first viewing, you might notice now that there are rolling blackouts in the first movie. The writer/director, Christopher Landon even talked about this in an interview with Collider:

“ I think the most obvious one is the fact we had all these rolling blackouts in the first movie and now we get to discover why."

Looks they've really planned ahead for this franchise.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.