10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

2. Jealous Much?

Happy Death Day
Universal Pictures

Despite being the "bitch" of the picture who acts like she's better than everyone else and can make men fall at her feet, Danielle may actually have a softer side. Specifically, for a guy named Nick.

If you don't remember Nick, it was revealed he was the guy Danielle was cheating on Carter with in Happy Death Day 2U. But why him specifically? Well, in the first movie and the original dimension, it's shown that Danielle had a little crush on him, trying desperately to get his attention.

However, Danielle discovered that Tree and Nick made out at a party, which infuriated her since the two continued to make goo-goo eyes at each other. It's very possible that these two have had previous run-ins before the frat party, with even Danielle calling Tree out stating that she's aware of her actions, signifying that Tree is aware of Danielle's feelings and is unsympathetic to them.

If you think that's a weak motive to kill someone, just remember that Lori's whole motive behind her murder plot was because of Tree's affair with Dr. Gregory Butler, whom she had a huge crush on.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.