10 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Happy Death Day

3. A Third Killer?

Happy Death Day

Has anyone considered that there might be a bit more to the Danielle character than we originally thought?

When we first meet Danielle, we immediately write her off as nothing more than the "bitch" because that's always a common character archetype in these horror movies. Obviously she just here to make Tree look better by comparison, which will make her redemption all the more satisfying. However, really take a moment to examine Danielle's roll in the film.

In one scene, Tree suspects Danielle might be the infamous Babyface Killer after finding that ominous black birthday card on her person. After a physical altercation, they're both accidentally hit and killed by a bus. But Tree then crosses Danielle's name off the suspect list. Why? Did that interaction prove her innocence somehow?

There are a few more clues that point to Danielle being a conspirator in this attempted murder plot, from the shoes both her and the killer wear and even an interesting Easter egg during the end credits scene. If you give the film another watch, you can catch more subtle clues.

But what would be Danielle's motive?


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.