10 Smartest Decisions Made By Scream Characters

6. Randy Records A Message In Case He Dies - Scream 3

Scream 4 Jill
Dimension Films

Like a lot of things in Scream 3 this is admittedly pretty damn contrived, but that doesn't make it any less of an intelligent act on the part of the character.

Though Randy (Jamie Kennedy) is sadly killed off half-way through Scream 2, he had the ingenious foresight to record a parting message before he died, as his sister Martha (Heather Matarazzo) reveals in the third film.

Sid, Gale, and Dewey then watch Randy's posthumous warning, where he explains that they may be caught in the middle of not merely another horror sequel but the concluding chapter of a trilogy.

Here the usual horror movie rules don't apply - the killer will be insanely durable, anyone including the main character (Sid) can die, and the past will come back to bite them in the ass.

Randy was totally on the money in each case, and so helped provide vital pointers to ensure the three main characters all survived the events of the third movie.

Given Randy's basically supernatural level of foresight here in anticipating his own death and what the next Ghostface massacre would bring, it's a shame he didn't also foresee Ghostface dragging him into a van in broad daylight in the previous movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.