10 Smartest Villain Plans From Sci-Fi Movies

6. Breaking Grey - STEM (Upgrade)

Superman Lex Luthor Gene Hackman
BH Tilt

An underrated film, Upgrade follows a man regaining the use of his limbs after being paralyzed in a mugging.

Grey Trace is implanted with a computer chip to help him regain his lost functions. This is STEM, and like all AI in sci-fi films, it's evil!

STEM was placed inside Grey by Eron Kreen, a brilliant scientist who helped develop it in the first place. But even he is a mere grunt in the army of the real general - the AI itself!

Because it's evil, we already told you that.

After helping Grey track down his attackers by giving him enhanced mental and physical power, STEM eventually overrides its host, taking full control.

It convinces Grey that everything that happened after the mugging was just a dream. Psychologically broken by co-habiting with an evil computer chip, Grey's broken mind accepts this to be true.

A micro-scale version of The Matrix, STEM is actually a far more threatening force because of its unfaltering desire to become human. It achieves this goal with maximum efficiency and is now free to take the next step in its plan.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.