10 Smartest Villain Plans From Sci-Fi Movies

5. The Almanac - Biff Tannen (Back To The Future Part II)

Superman Lex Luthor Gene Hackman

After Doc Brown yells at Marty McFly about his "kids!", the teenager and his girlfriend Jennifer hop in the DeLorean and travel to the far flung future of... 2015.

Time is relentless, isn't it?

Whilst trying to save Marty Jr. from making a dumb decision, the group ultimately open the door for an older version of Biff Tannen to run riot in the past.

Old Man Biff steals the DeLorean and travels back in time to talk to his younger self. He gives him an almanac containing the results of every major sporting event up until the year 2000.

Past Biff uses the book to make a series of bets, earning himself an outrageous fortune. He uses his money to take over Hill Valley and rule over it with an iron fist.

It's a genius plan, but we've actually given credit to the wrong person. Old Biff didn't come up with this idea - Marty did.

It was he who spotted the almanac once in the future and who originally intended to use it to place bets. When Doc talked him out of profiting from time travel, an eavesdropping Biff swooped in.

Serves him right then, really.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.