10 Space Movies That Broke All The Rules

7. Sunshine

Solaris George Clooney
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Danny Boyle's 2007 science fiction-hybrid certainly proved divisive upon it's release, particularly when it comes down to the ending, but there is no denying the fact that it broke the rules!

Focusing on a crew who are tasked with the somewhat mammoth responsibility of saving the sun, the film veers dramatically away from it's initial sci-fi sensibilities in favour of a last-act genre flip that you'll never see coming.

It would be a shame to spoil too much of this film, but what can be said is that it turned the genre on it's head and proved that space movies could still surprise and astonish in the most unexpected of ways.


I have been writing about film for almost 5 years, contributing to sites including WhatCulture, JumpCut Online, Cineworld, and Zavvi. I also host a couple of podcasts, JumpCast and Let's Jaws for a Minute. You can often find me on the internet evangelising about Disney or why Jaws is the greatest film ever made...