10 Space Movies That Broke All The Rules

6. Interstellar

Solaris George Clooney
Warner Bros. Pictures

You can always rely on Christopher Nolan to do something different with a genre, and Interstellar is certainly one of those films!

Like so many of Nolan's films, Interstellar plays with the concept of time and explores how sometimes a deep personal connection can be the very thing that saves humanity. This provided a refreshing perspective and gave the audiences much food for thought, as well as astonishing with its awe-inspiring visuals and plot-twists and turns.

With a stunning score and a memorable performance from Matthew McConaughey, Interstellar has stood the test of time to become one of the very best space movies of the last decade.


I have been writing about film for almost 5 years, contributing to sites including WhatCulture, JumpCut Online, Cineworld, and Zavvi. I also host a couple of podcasts, JumpCast and Let's Jaws for a Minute. You can often find me on the internet evangelising about Disney or why Jaws is the greatest film ever made...