10 Star Trek Characters Who MUST Return

1. Trip Tucker

Harry Kim Star Trek

Trip Tucker isn't dead. He just isn't, ok? So, let's bring him back to prove that!

These Are The Voyages is maligned, and for good reason. The last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise became a holodeck fantasy, which means that none of the main characters actually appeared - only holographic versions of them. In the episode, the holographic Trip is killed, in an ill-thought attempt to shock audiences.

This is easily undone. Riker was simply playing with the history settings. In expanded canon, Trip is alive, and working with Section 31. There has been a rumoured Section 31 series on the books since Discovery's second year, though with no confirmation as to the setting. In this wide Star Trek universe, there is any number of ways that timelines could be merged or characters brought from the past into the future - but one thing is for sure. More than any other name on this list, Trip Tucker did not deserve the character ending that he received. If there was one crime that had to be erased from Star Trek's history, this truly is it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick