10 Star Trek Twists That Pissed Everyone Off

9. General Ndoye Isn't Actually Dead

spock khan

The finale of Star Trek: Discovery's fourth season gave the audience many reveals. While Species 10-C are easily one of the most beautiful alien races to be realised on-screen in all of Star Trek's history, and the final scenes showing the Federation beginning it's journey toward rebuilding, there were unfortunately some rather annoying twists that simply didn't pay off.

General Ndoye of United Earth is wracked with guilt over her helping Book and Tarka attack the 10-C. As penance, she volunteers for a suicide mission. It will allow her to save the ship and it's crew, though almost certainly will result in her death. There is a wonderful goodbye scene, which is played just to the right level of emotion. Then she beams away.

Within moments, her shuttle explodes, but she is saved via transporter. Her salvation comes almost before the shuttle has finished burning. There isn't any moment to even believe she had perished - making the entire goodbye scene entirely pointless. It seemed to be included purely for tugging heart strings, though all it did was serve to wind up the audience, with bare moments left to enjoy the season.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick