10 Star Trek Twists That Pissed Everyone Off

8. B-4

spock khan

Star Trek: Nemesis was billed as the final Next Generation-era film, meaning that at the time, anything could happen. Any character could be bumped off, or any storyline could be revisited. Therefore, when the trailers showed Data activating an identical Soong-type android, fans sat forward on their seats like a Hollywood-era Leonardo DiCaprio, thinking the time had finally come.

Lore was going to make his return to Star Trek. Who better to see the crew through to their end than one of their oldest foes?

Well, that's not quite how things panned out. Nemesis introduced B-4, a prototype android that had been built by Dr. Soong. Somehow, and it is never explained in the film, Shinzon came into possession of him, and used him as bait. And that's it. The great tease of having a final showdown between Data and Lore, which would still have easily allowed the death of both characters, was instead swept away. Though this is not Nemesis' greatest sin (see the other entry on this list) it certainly is a marked one. Data's final outing deserved far better.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick