10 Star Wars Characters That Came Back From The Dead (And How)

5. Revan

Star Wars Ahsoka Tano

Revan is one of the most powerful characters in Star Wars history, with his cheating of death demonstrating his sheer strength in the Force.

Once the Star Forge was destroyed, Revan travelled into the unknown regions to find the true threat he had felt during his time as a Sith Lord. Upon arriving on Dromund Kaas, the Prodigal Knight was captured, but was freed three years later by the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik. Reunited with his old mask, memories of his time as a Sith returned. Revan and Surik then confronted the Sith Emperor, the threat Revan had felt years prior, though both were quickly bested. Once Surik was dead, the Emperor took Revan to a prison which kept him in a stasis between life and death.

Three centuries later, Revan was freed by a Jedi strike team, though he had changed. During his imprisonment, the knight's soul had split in two, one being the Jedi he became, and the other as the Sith warrior he was.

Revan travelled to an ancient factory called the Foundry, where he planned to create extermination droids to battle the Emperor. Before his plans were completed, Revan was confronted by Jedi, who defeated him. Due to his splintered soul, his light side became one with the Force, whilst his dark side refused to die, leading to the return of Darth Revan.

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