10 Star Wars Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

6. Oola - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Padme Death

Oola is a Twi'lek slave who was forced to serve as a dancer at Jabba's palace. Because the Hutts are among the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy, it would be foolish for anyone to get on their bad side.

Oola knew this more than almost anyone since Jabba is infamous for his sadistic cruelty. While under his employ, the young Twi'lek has seen her master dispose of many guests and workers by feeding them to his pet rancor, who resides in a pit below Jabba's throne.

Despite the fact Oola did all she could to amuse her slaver, she knew it was only a matter of time before she incurred his wrath. During one party, the wicked Hutt tugged Oola's chain, urging her to come closer. Out of instinct, she recoiled in disgust, embarrassing her master in front of his guests.

Before Oola had a chance to apologise, Jabba dropped her into the pit below, where she was devoured by the rancor. We don't see Oola being eaten by the monstrous beast but it's easy to assume it was not a quick and painless death.


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