10 Star Wars Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

5. The Great Jedi Purge - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Padme Death

The instant The Grand Army of the Republic were unveiled in Attack of the Clones, we knew they would inevitably spell doom for The Jedi Order. Even though we saw the massacre coming, it was far more brutal than anything we could've imagined.

Although these Clone Troopers were designed to protect the Republic, Darth Sidious programmed them with a hidden command, compelling them to see all Jedi as traitors once they heard the words, "Execute Order 66". Despite the fact the troops were loyal to the cause and befriended many of the Jedi over the years, the biochips in their brains rendered them unable to disobey the order, forcing them to turn on their allies.

Although Jedi are expected to perish on the battlefield, the way they die in Revenge of the Sith is dishonourable and undignified. Ki-Adi Mun, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, and many other Jedi did not die in a duel or face-to-face with their enemy. Instead, Darth Sidious cowardly orchestrated the Jedis' demise from afar, having them shot in the back (figuratively and literally) by their former brother-in-arms.


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