10 Star Wars Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths

3. Shmi Skywalker - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Padme Death

After spending years living as a slave on Tatooine with Anakin, Shmi Skywalker believed she would be freed when the Jedi Knight, Qui-Gon Jinn, swore to protect her family

Sadly, Qui-Gon only managed to free Anakin from bondage. After he was taken in by the Jedi Order, Ani was forced to abandon his mother, leaving them both heartbroken.

When Anakin became a Padawan, he returned to Tattooine years later to free Shmi. But soon after arriving, he discovered she'd been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. After Anakin located Shmi, he could see she had been starved and tortured mercilessly. Tragically, Shmi's body gave out seconds after Anakin found her, destroying their reunion.

Even though Shmi appears briefly throughout the Star Wars prequels, her death leaves a massive impact, since she was as a pure soul . She didn't deserve to be enslaved, having her son ripped from her side, or being beaten to death. All of these things happened to Shmi, purely out of circumstance. She may have died happy since she got to see her son one last time but it was still a terrible way to go.


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