2. (Episode IV) Tosche Station

Funny story about 2. and 3. When Star Wars was filmed, the introduction of Luke was supposed to be of Luke watching the space battle between Vader's Star Destroyer and Leia's Corellian Corvette. He then goes to Tosche Station to pick up, you guessed it, power converters and suddenly meets up with Biggs Darklighter. This meeting with Biggs was meant to happen so that Luke could be introduced to the Rebellion. But, no, alas we meet Luke after R2 and 3PO escape the Empire and an entire back story is cut never to be seen for 30+ years. With Episode VII, VII, and IX coming out soon, a new special edition is bound to come out. Tosche Station and the Luke and Biggs scenes are crucially needed to be reinserted. To effectively change the introduction of Luke Skywalker in such a way that still conveys the innocent farm boy persona while at the same time showing that there is a hero inside of Luke and it's ready to come out to save the galaxy can be a clever way of starting off the adventure.