10 Star Wars Fates Worse Than Death

In a universe as vast as Star Wars, there are things that will make you long for a quick death.

Star Wars Brain Worm

Both in front of and behind the camera, Star Wars has a long and detailed history. In fact, there are more stories set in a galaxy far, far away than any one article could ever hope to fill.

Star Wars is very much not a utopia. There are dark deeds, demons and evil throughout the galaxy. The Sith, along with the Empire and even some of the 'good' guys have all committed heinous acts on others - some of which are documented here.

Though few crimes will ever reach the depths of the Holiday Special, this list comprises some seriously messed up fates that many of the characters in Star Wars have had to endure.

That's not to say that some weren't altogether deserved, that is...

10. Destroying Everything You Care About Based On A Lie

Star Wars Brain Worm

Anakin's long fall to the Dark Side of the Force came with manipulation and an already in-built anger, borne from his years as a slave on Tatooine. He manages to return to his home, only to find his mother in her last moments - leading to his very first slaughter (not counting the people killed on the Droid Control Ship) of Sand People. In that moment, the first shreds of his humanity are lost.

Through his troubled years, Padmé Amidala grew closer to him, coming to love him, and he her. However, his descent was already well on its way, fuelled by further manipulation by the Emperor. Though he secretly marries Padmé, their happiness would be short lived.

In all of his anger and fear, his one constant was his love for her. Some of the crimes he commits, he does so to protect her. So, when he rises after his duel with Obi-Wan, his body mangled and ruined now, he is told by the Emperor that in his own rage, he has killed Padmé, the last vestiges of his sanity are gone.

From child slave to monster, Anakin Skywalker lost his family, his friends, his religion and his grasp on reality - all at the hands of a man who would replace him in a heartbeat. The death of Padmé would spell doom for him, and many other people throughout the Galaxy.

Anakin Skywalker dies in that moment, replaced until his final moments by Darth Vader.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick