10 Star Wars Fates Worse Than Death

9. The Holiday Special Simply Existing

Star Wars Brain Worm

When asked to define the exact feeling of having one's brain pulled out through one's ears, it might be worth offering the Holiday Special as an example. Even George Lucas, who had very little involvement in this... film... disavowed it, making it very difficult to obtain legally.

This special was, however, the first meeting that the fans would have with... Boba Fett.

The character is introduced with what would become the Mandalorian's signature forked weapon, coming before his appearance in The Empire Strikes Back. Though he was retroactively added to A New Hope in 1997, this is the actual first appearance of the character.

Be under no illusions - the special is just as bad as it sounds. Enjoy it with a stiff drink - you'll need it. Though, much like certain other video nasties out there - you'll be happier having not seen it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick